Bullet 1 Alt 8 ◘ Bullet 2 Alt 9 ○ Bullet 3 Alt 10 ◙ Bullet 4 Alt 11 ♂ Male Sign Alt 12 ♀ Feminine Indication Alt 13 ♪ Quaver Alt 14 ♫ Joined up with Quavers Alt 16 ► Play Forward Alt 17 ◄ Have fun with Change Alt 254 ■ Halt Alt 30 ▲ Alt 31 ▼ Alt 23 ↨ Alt 24 ↑ Up Arrow Alt 25 ↓ Down Arrow Alt 26 → Best Arrow Alt 27 ← Left Arrow Alt 0129 Undefined - Usually produces a container Alt 15 ☼ 127 ⌂ Alt 18 ↕ Alt 29 ↔.
#Shortcut for bullet points mac code#
Bullet Points In Word 2007Īlt Code Symbol Description Alt 1 ☺ White colored Smiley Alt 2 ☻ Dark Smiley Alt 3 ♥ Coronary heart Alt 4 ♦ Gemstone Alt 5 ♣ Golf club Alt 6 ♠ Spade Alt 7. Right-click in the table and, in the context menu, select 'Bullets' and a bullet image from the bullet library. Open Word and insert a table (1 x 1 will work just fine). When you hit a return after your line of text, the next one will fill in automatically. The question was - Is there a shortcut for bullet points in Microsoft Word? Another method is to go to Insert => Symbol and then select a bullet type you like. Subscript ⌘ +, Copy text formatting ⌘ + Option + d Paste text format ⌘ + Option + v Clear text message format ⌘ + Increase font dimension ⌘ + Shift + > Adobe reader.

Rédo ⌘ + Shift + z lnsert or edit Iink ⌘ + k Open Iink Option + Enter Shów common keyboard shórtcuts ⌘ + / Save Every changé is automatically savéd in Drivé ⌘ + s Print ⌘ + p Open ⌘ + ó Find ⌘ + f Find ánd repIace ⌘ + Shift + h Find ágain ⌘ + g Find prévious ⌘ + Shift + g Hidé the menus (cómpact mode) CtrI + Shift + f lnsert page break ⌘ + Entér Search the ménus Option + / Ctrl + 0ption + z Text fórmatting Bold ⌘ + b ltalicize ⌘ + i UnderIine ⌘ + u Strikéthrough ⌘ + Shift + x Supérscript ⌘ +. However, is there a relatively easy key stroke to put an intent with a bullet.Ĭommon actions Copy ⌘ + chemical Lower ⌘ + x Paste ⌘ + sixth is v Paste without format ⌘ + Shift + v Undo ⌘ + z. I realize in pages the tab should and must do just an intent for regular word processing. Similarly, when you press tab again, it does a next level bullet point. How do i find the mac address for iphone. On PC, when you type in - it auto-formats into a dash bullet point with the indentation.
#Shortcut for bullet points mac how to#
Im a student and I take a lot of notes on Microsoft Word using bullet points, but my preferred style of bullet is a dash. You'll love this guide if you are looking for the bullet symbol alt code and how to use it to type using the Keyboard. To repeat bullet points in non-adjacent cells, select a cell with the bullet symbol and press Ctrl + C to copy it, then select another cell(s) where you want to have the bullets and press Ctrl + V to paste the copied symbol. Shortcut For Bullet Points In Word Mac Download.