Most notably for solo players, this makes learning by experimenting with fighting them an utter nightmare, and it really shouldn’t be that way. By which I mean: you can’t teleport directly to them and there remains a hefty monetary penalty for dying. Rather, the problem is that due to the external-but-internal nature of the bosses vis-a-vis the main game, they are still treated in essential ways like main game bosses. I may not like any or all of that, but I can accept it, especially if it comes with the package of “raid bosses” as a concept. It isn’t, as you might expect, that they’re too hard to solo or badly designed (that’s a separate matter), that they’re made for co-op, or that they restrict the scope of feasible builds and loadouts, leading to a certain homogeneity in approach that contradicts the game’s emphasis on variety. I think this is, when all is said and done, the root of my issue with these bosses. So they have some ‘internal’ relationship to the main game despite being basically ‘external’ to it. On the other hand, they drop loot, directly (weapons) or indirectly (seraph crystals), that can be used in-game to make life easier on higher difficulties. You could be completely ignorant of their existence and still have a solid grasp on what BL2 is. On the one hand, they’re no part of the main quest, neither in the game proper nor in the DLCs. The first aspect of the problem with these raid bosses is that they’re in effect half-inside/half-outside the parameters of the main game. But I think my points can withstand any innocence of the concept on my part. This is relevant because in the reading I’ve done, I’ve noticed that whenever people offer critiques of the raid boss system in BL2, a handful of commenters will pop up and say that the critiques are based on faulty premises - the critics don’t understand, ostensibly, “the concept of a raid boss.” Hence, if I’m not grasping some concept or completely overlooking it, that’s almost certainly because I’m just not familiar with it - it’s not deliberate or (I hope) a result of native stupidity on my part. My wheelhouse is survival horror (Resident Evil, Silent Hill, etc.) and indie/retro games (mainly Metroidvanias). Believe it or not, BL1 was the first FPS I ever played.
Plus I figured it’d just be fun to talk about since these BL2 boards seem kind of dead-ish at the moment.įirst, some relevant information about me: I’m new to the FPS genre. So I deleted it and instead wrote this one, which I post here to gauge the temperature of people who have far more experience with, and knowledge of, Borderlands 2 than I do.

I originally had a post up yesterday on Hyperius (following my one on Haderax), but then I realized my problems with the raid bosses in this game are fundamental and ubiquitous, not particular to any one or two of them.